About Kristin

I grew up in Texas and moved to Philadelphia in 2009. Almost a decade ago, I met Cheri Honkala and started working with the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign. Through that I learned about and joined the Green Party. In 2015 I ran for Philadelphia city-council at large, winning endorsements from almost every socialist organization in the city and several key labor organizations. I ran a dollar per vote campaign and secured one third of what would be my win number, showing that our green message really does resonate with the people of Philadelphia. The following year, I ran for Pennsylvania State Treasure. My vote total hit the threshold needed to give the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) minor party status.

I’ve also served in Green leadership at the local, state, and national level. During my term as chair of GPPA, we tripled the annual budget, did a full review of the bylaws, and reworked the party structure to ensure it reflected our grassroots values. Most recently, I’ve served as a Green Party national co-chair. During my time on the steering committee, I partnered with a six person team that met in person to coordinate the virtual Presidential Nominating Convention and took the lead to ensure credentialing continued in spite of many challenges. I now serve as the liaison to the Credential Committee, Dispute Resolution Committee, Peace Action Committee, and Platform Committee. I’m also a member of the Accreditation Committee, Media Committee, and co-chair of the Bylaws Rules Policies and Procedures committee.

In my day-to-day life, I work as the Executive Director of School Organization for Philadelphia Public schools. My department helps streamline logistics, so that school based staff can focus on students. In my time with the central office, I’ve been instrumental in working to minimize and eventually end the destructive and disruptive leveling process that uproots teachers from their schools after the academic year has begun. I’ve also built safeguards into high schools that ensure equitable programming for all our students, particularly our students with specialized learning needs.

It’s been an honor to serve on the Steering Committee as a co-chair for the past two years. I am excited by the opportunity to continue my service over the next two years as secretary.

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